Breastfeeding Part 3 (Burping)

Is Baby Feeding Well?

Once latched on, you will see little jaw movements. These are telling your brain that it’s feeding time. As the milk lets down, you will see the jaw rhythm change to big open and close movements. The movement can be seen right up to the tip of the ears. As baby swallows the milk you can hear swallowing noises. At first, it may be a small sound, like a soft “k” in the back of the throat. Later, as the milk has more volume, you can hear swallowing much more easily. Babies have a pattern of suckling movements when they are feeding. They suck, swallow,suck,swallow…..and pause. Then the pattern will start all over again.  This pattern continues throughout the feed. Infants will slow down as the begin to feel full ot perhaps get an air bubble. This is a good time to take your baby off the first breast, offer a burp, and move on to the second breast.


Burping is done in between feedings. If you are breastfeeding, then the best time to burp the baby is before he starts on your second breast.

Burping Positions:

There are three easy to do burping positions

  • Over the Shoulder: This is the most commonly used position when burping since it’s the easiest to do. Put your baby in an upright position then pat his back gently. Make sure to support his head and neck. It would also be good to have a burping towel over your shoulder just in case he spits up.
  • Sitting: As the name implies, you put your baby in a sitting position then gently rub his back until he burps.
  • Over the Lap: Position your baby in a lying position with his back towards you. Lay him on your lap and gently tap his back until he burps. It would be more comfortable for baby if you place a pillow on your lap.

If you have done any of these positions and the baby still doesn’t burp after a few minutes, maybe he doesn’t need to burp so you need not worry.

Burping the Baby

Positions in Burping your baby